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Politics - Germany

Writer's picture: Nikhilesh DhureNikhilesh Dhure

Understanding German politics is crucial for everyone living there, particularly those who want to apply for citizenship; nonetheless, even international students may benefit from a primer on the country's political system. Moreover, the rules enacted in Berlin affect everyone in Germany since everyone needs access to state services like health insurance, job exchanges, and universities.

The Constitution Ensures Security

Germany has a rich past to reflect upon. It became an official state in the modern sense in 1871. There have been many ups and downs since then, including two world wars, the brutal National Socialist tyranny, and the separation of Germany into two separate states. Nonetheless, post-war Germany's Federal Republic (established in 1949) has taken lessons from its past, and its democratic Constitution ensures they will not be forgotten.

Germany's founding document is called the Basic Law. Article 1 states, "Human dignity should be inviolable." It's the responsibility of every government agency to uphold and defend it. Article 5's protection of free speech, the arts, and science; Article 3's guarantee of legal equality; Article 4's protection of religious and moral individualism; Article 9's protection of free assembly; Article 12's protection of the right to pursue one's chosen profession without interference from the government; and Article 3's guarantee of the right to be free from persecution under the law all fall under the umbrella of the guaranteed basic rights (Article 16a). What follows is a description of Germany as it is set down in the Basic Law:

· Judicial review of all governmental activities is guaranteed under a constitutional state.

· Political power is shared between the central government and the 16 individual states in a federal form. This arrangement is known as "federalism."

· To assure residents have access to the necessary social welfare and promote social fairness, the government in a welfare state takes measures. This involves ensuring people have enough money to get by in times of unemployment, disability, disease, and old age.

· Fundamental freedoms, representative governance, the separation of powers, and social protections are all permanent features of our modern society. This implies that they are not subject to repeal by further amendments to the Basic Law or a new constitution.

Where Can I Learn More About The Länder?

Given that Germany is a federal republic, the Länder essentially function as little states. Three of Germany's city-states—Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen—are considered separate federal states. Each country is governed by a Minister-President and has a Parliament (Landtag) and a written constitution. Many spheres of life, including schools, police, welfare, the natural world, religion, and cultural policymaking, are entirely under their control. Public broadcasting is something that each Land provides. Foreign policy, defence, justice, monetary policy, and labour legislation are all areas where the Federation (the Bund) has exclusive authority. This separation of responsibilities is not always obvious, and there may be overlap between different tiers of government.

The Bundesrat (Federal Council) is the federal body that acts as a representative of the Länder and gives final approval or rejection to laws passed by the Bundestag. The 69-person council represents the various state and provincial administrations. Population size determines the number of votes each territory receives (3–6). Furthermore, all Länder are linked to federal-level matters by their institutional presence in Berlin. Each of these countries also maintains its own Office in Brussels, the European Union's capital.

The Function Of The Bundestag In Germany's Government

Located in Berlin's Reichstag building since 1999, the Bundestag (federal Parliament) is the highest political body in Germany (before then, its seat was in Bonn). The Parliament plays a crucial position in German politics since the Chancellor needs the support of the Bundestag's members to govern. In most cases, this necessitates a coalition of at least two political parties. At least 598 people are chosen every four years to serve in the Bundestag. The Bundesrat has equal legislative and constituent authority.

Members of the Bundestag not only authorise the use of the Federal Armed Forces but also vote on legislation, ratify treaties, and adopt the federal budget (Bundeswehr). Parliamentary sessions (plenaries and committees) and committees of inquiry are two of their numerous tools for exercising oversight on the executive branch. Ad hoc committees may be formed to investigate governmental activity on certain matters at the request of at least 25% of deputies. They may consult with specialists, collect data, and write a report subsequently discussed in the Bundestag.

In contrast to the 560 million euros allocated to the French National Assembly in 2021, the Bundestag's yearly budget of just under a billion euros underscores the substantial role that its members and staff play in the functioning of Germany's democratic system.

How Exactly Does Voting Function In Germany?

Although the right to vote is crucial in a democracy like Germany's, non-citizens are often disenfranchised from participating in elections. Certainly, there are outliers. For example, foreign nationals who are also EU citizens have the right to vote in European and municipal elections.

Federal parliament elections, however, are open only to German nationals. All eligible adults in Germany (or those above 16 for municipal elections) have the right to cast a ballot. Every four years, voters decide who will represent them in the Bundestag, the country's lower house of Parliament (essentially the national assembly).

Voters have the option of voting twice in these elections. To win the election, a candidate must get a majority of the vote in each voting district. A "party list" vote is the alternative option. These votes ensure that each party receives several seats proportional to its overall vote total.

A State Governed By Five Constitutional Bodies

The federal system of government is in place in Germany. Eleven Länder (federal states) made up the Federal Republic until 1990. Five more states were added to the original 11 after Germany's reunification with the German Democratic Republic in 1990. Several federal departments remain in Bonn, the old capital, but since then, Berlin has served as the national capital and seat of government. Germans have supported and participated in the country's democratic culture for more than 60 years.

The Federal President, the Bundestag (the elected assembly of the German people), the Bundesrat (representing the federal states and the second chamber of Parliament alongside the Bundestag), the Federal Government (the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Ministers), and the Federal Constitutional Court are the five permanent constitutional bodies of the Federal Republic of Germany (the Supreme Court).

The separation of powers, or the distribution of governmental authority across many branches, is a crucial feature of any functional government. There must never be a situation where one entity controls the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

Can I Vote In Germany Via Mail?

When a person requests to vote by mail, their town hall will send them a voting packet a few weeks before the election. This package includes a ballot slip, a tiny blue envelope for secrecy, a big red envelope for mailing in the ballot slip (Stimmzettel) and the voter's signed postal ballot, and a large red envelope for returning the vote to the election office (Wahlschein). Everything is sent for free to the polling place in Germany. On Election Day, the little sealed envelopes carrying the ballot slips are collected from voters and deposited into a closed box. In contrast, the big red envelopes are opened, the voter's eligibility is checked, and the vote is certified. Then, they are tallied along with the rest of the votes cast.

Before 2009, voters applying for a postal vote were required to explain why they preferred to vote absentee in people, such as an inability to travel or a protracted absence. By 1957's count, 4.9% of voters had opted for the mail-in ballot. More than a quarter of voters (28.5%) used this method in the 2017 election.

To vote by mail, German citizens residing abroad must apply to be included in the voters' register.

Various German Political Parties

German democracy, as shown by the party list system, is founded upon political parties, groups formed to adhere to a shared set of ideals and coordinate their activities across the many branches of government.

Currently, These Are The Most Influential Figures In Politics:

Among the Democratic Christian coalition: The CPD, which occupies the centre-right, is Germany's most popular political organisation. Originating in 1945, The party unites Protestants and Catholics and typically adheres to pro-market, socially conservative ideas; it was founded by a combination of anti-Nazi organisations and conservatives. Angela Merkel, the incumbent Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, and Konrad Adenauer are all household names.

The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) is the country's original and traditionally second-biggest political party. Initially motivated by Marxism, the 1863-founded party has evolved more centrist during the last half-century. It represents the middle ground in modern times, proposing policies like increased environmental regulation, social liberalism, and labour safeguards.

Greens: Germany is home to one of the most prominent Green parties internationally. Greens like former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer have pushed Germany to adopt a pro-peace and pro-renewable energy stance.

Economically, the Free Democrats (FDP) are to the right of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), but socially, they are quite liberal. Established in 1948 under Christian Lindner's leadership, it consistently receives between 7 and 8% of the vote.

Left-wing SDP rebels founded the anti-capitalist party Die Linke in 2007. As a result of its success in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, it now has more than 60 seats in the German Bundestag.

The AFD, or Alternative for Germany: AFD is a controversial right-wing nationalist group that advocates for less immigration and has anti-Islamic stances. It has few supporters inside the party, and other groups actively seek to limit its power.

What is the process for forming coalitions, and how do they function once they are in place?

When electing a government and the Chancellor in Germany, it is almost always required to establish a coalition between the elected members of two or three parties. To create a majority government, the party that receives the most votes often leads discussions with the other major parties to form a coalition compact outlining the legislation and changes enacted during the administration. In addition, the distribution of ministerial positions is also an important topic of debate based on each coalition member's political influence. Therefore, the party with the most votes (or another party with enough votes to be able to bring together a majority around it) may enter into several exploratory discussions (Sondierungen) to evaluate possible alliances with the other parties before beginning more advanced negotiations with one or two of these parties to form a coalition (Koalitionsverhandlungen) as much as a few months may pass throughout this procedure. During talks, both sides identify their shared goals, create ground rules for working together, and identify areas of dispute. In most cases, this leads to forming a "coalition compact" that governs subsequent government actions.

Assuming the discussions go well, especially in the case of smaller parties, the coalition logic of building a solid majority with a clear mandate and a roadmap set by the coalition partners lends enormous political weight to two or three coalition parties. Coalition business is conducted via meetings of a loosely organised body called the "coalition committee" (Koalitionsausschuss), which includes members from each coalition party and the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor. The committee decides on laws that are currently under consideration and any potential political conflicts.

Friends Of The European Union And Germany

Germany has a positive connection with many nations and works with them to advance democracy, human rights, and peace via its many alliances, partnerships, and memberships in international organisations. Because of Germany's membership in the European Union, its people enjoy the same benefits as those of other EU members, including the freedom to travel within the EU and beyond.

As part of these protections, EU citizens have the liberty to move across the bloc at will and engage in activities including buying, studying, working, and living. The free flow of labour, products, services and capital is applicable only inside the country's borders. Furthermore, EU citizens cannot be treated differently because of their nationality. The Office for the Equal Treatment of EU Employees website is a good resource for learning more about the free movement of EU workers.

Germany has representation in the UN, NATO, the G7, and the G20, in addition to the EU. Many bilateral partnerships and trade agreements complement these comprehensive collaborations.


Like many others, municipal governments play a significant role in the cultural sphere by funding cultural events and performers. However, Europe also has to be considered. Many aspects of German law are now superseded by EU law, and significant authority is located in Brussels rather than Berlin.

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